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'$' $ Q!! 0&d2&+ @$! b& %b1!`$ (''$!!<$ ! $ bb0@b0@E !  ! @B4  $$#`$e ! $ @  b$$QB0$ ! ! !` '!8!P!p!X`!h40h>6*49x8xx:x;x  PSmdbDumpSlotMacAllocInitMemBuildDbSmdbSwitchToSlotMacdXHd0ddddddddddģ8(ģģģģģģģģģģģĩt,8 8888Ш88888880123456789abcdefܷ<<<<<<<<<<<<<||d 8 td|<\H\\\\\\\\\(\\\\\\\\\\\\0000000000000000000000000000000000 4|Hl\ (@ T ((((( AAAAAABBBBBB (+++/////// (/////(//$(// //////// /(+++/'////P/($(//./(//$(@9@@A7yABnD?O8I20HwRLDhvwxy|~z{}(XF4D8\xz{}~y|  (GD0\~xyz{|}  J\D D}L~| 4JH(\~z{|} XKhK\D(X|}H~0LxD T~ LD H|~L}ltMDDH~$MD0Xz{|}~N<DD~ N 0N   OD(H~L|} 8OD H~T|} \pP lxP |P PD(L|~h} Q$QDDH~$hQ$D0H}H~T{|z RRD(D|T~}  psPrev == (PSCHUNKHDR)0Pool's header is corruped or bad pool address 0x%X %8u - DUMP MEM: 0x%X: 0x%8.8X Pool alloced size : %d SUMMARY: Pool total size : %d Free memory : %d Alloced memory : %d Max free block size : %d Utilization / Free : %d %% / %d %% 0x%X %8u F 0x%X %8u A %2d 0x%05X %s %d ***************************************************** ADDRESS SIZE STATE FLAGS FILE LINE ***************************************************** %s %d ***** FAIL: Memory overwritten ***** ***** chunk header is corupted ***** ***** Dump memory before and after chunk header **** ******** TERMINATING POOL DUMP ********************* ***** FAIL: Coherence check - ***** ***** either corrupted chunk header or end of chunk is overwritten **** ***** DUMP memory around chunk header **** ***** Dump memory around next chunk header: **** POOL (0x%08x) ERROR WAS DETECTED!!! The error occured in: %s %d Current thread: %s Damaged header at 0x%08X or at 0x%08X Dumping list of pools... Pool start 0x%08x, pool size %6d Pool error detected!!!Illegal address for freeing - 0x%08X Or damaged header at 0x%08X or at 0x%08X Block bad address - 0x%08X Damaged header at 0x%08X Request to free a non-allocated memory - 0x%08X Allocation failure at pool 0x%X - not enough memory for %d bytes Illegal address for freeing or damaged header at 0x%08X SMALL POOL (0x%08X) ERROR WAS DETECTED!!! GLOBAL POOL (0x%08X) ERROR WAS DETECTED!!! Free for non-allocated areaFree for freed areaOs/Allocator/Fix/Fix.cOs/Allocator/Virtual/Virtual.c*************************************************************** ******************** ALLOCATED VIRTUAL CHUNKS ***************** Chunk 0x%X - 0x%x %4d %d ******************** MEM RAM DUMP ***************************** ******************** CURR POOL DUMP**************************** MySpace******************** DUMP VIRTUAL END ************************* ERROR Free for non-allocated areaRelease memory is not a pageFree for freed areafree for freed areaunknownGet for non-allocated pageGet for non-page memoryFALSEFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. Os/Allocator/Page/Page.cTotal pages %d Allocated pages %d Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. FALSEOs/Dcu/Start.cOs/Dcu/Virtual.cBase cannot be used Space does not fit in global space Entry %d is used Space does not fit in base's range Page offset of %d in a 2D space? Really???? DcuVirtualSpaceMap Page %d is in use DcuVirtualSpaceMap Offset %d Size %d don't fit. Space size %d Dumping %s at 0x%x [%4d-%4d] %4d %s USEDFREEDumping General Virtual Info Bases: Base Id %d: Unused Location %d Mode %d Users %d Global SpaceDone #%02d - %ddwFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. psMultiBlock->ulBlockJump < uiBlockJumpSizeMax && psMultiBlock->ulStripJump < uiStripJumpSizeMaxOs/Dcu/Submit.cFALSESysTimerOs/Dcu/Init.cvirtualphysicalFATAL: Memory protection violated, by client %d at %s address 0x%08x Os/Dcu/MemoryProtection.cFALSEFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. Os/Dcu/Clients.cBank number is not a power of two! Bank width is not a power of two! Illegal Optimization Level! DcuSetAttr: Invalid DCU attribute. Os/Dcu/Dram.cDebug BlockingOs/Misc/Debug.c 0123456789abcdef 0xDebugUART Flush MutexNotBlockingPrintsOs/Misc/Timing.cStartKernel%08d %cs - %s %s Thread: %s Timing statistics for [%s]-->[%s]: Average: %u %cs (%u entries) Max: %u %cs Wrong number of entries (%u) for statistic %u %cs \DCIM\Default.sigGROUP TIMING "Timing" %d GROUP_END FRAME 1 "timing" htot=%d vtot=1 1*TIMING FRAME_END signal=%s SIGNAL %s = PWM 0 -1 %d%s 1%d%s ERROR: TimingFree() called before TimingStop() Invalid cache type! Os/Misc/Cpu.cCannot invalidate all cache%s(0x%08X, %d) Address range is outside of KSEG0! Incorrect PF BufferIncorrect Isr IdError in cache unlock address range! %s: Invalid address range [0x%08X:0x%08X] %s: Locking resources exhauseted at 0x%08X %s: Address range too large [0x%08X:0x%08X] Invalid cache type (%d). CPU COP Dumping %ccache lock counters in %s: %d 0x%02X: CacheCpuIcache errorDcache errorToo many Dcache sets! Too many Icache sets! CacheCopRebootOs/Misc/List.cDCU_CLIENT_DUMMY DCU_CLIENT_CPUBLK DCU_CLIENT_OSD DCU_CLIENT_FCU DCU_CLIENT_IPS_AF DCU_CLIENT_CODEC_CODE DCU_CLIENT_CPULINE DCU_CLIENT_LRME_RESULTS DCU_CLIENT_CODEC_RECONSTRUCTED_CDCU_CLIENT_CODEC_RECONSTRUCTED_YDCU_CLIENT_CODEC_DECIMATED_Y DCU_CLIENT_CODEC_SAIB_FORWARD DCU_CLIENT_CODEC_CONVERTER DCU_CLIENT_LRME_TARGET DCU_CLIENT_MEP_W0 DCU_CLIENT_MEP_R0 DCU_CLIENT_AUDIO DCU_CLIENT_IPUIN_VGA DCU_CLIENT_CODEC_DC_FIFO DCU_CLIENT_LRME_REFERENCE DCU_CLIENT_CODEC_FSM_FORWARD DCU_CLIENT_CODEC_REF_C1 DCU_CLIENT_IPUIN DCU_CLIENT_ISUOUT DCU_CLIENT_IPU_DCN DCU_CLIENT_IPU_DCD DCU_CLIENT_MIF DCU_CLIENT_USB DCU_CLIENT_IPS_DCI DCU_CLIENT_DEBUG DCU_CLIENT_IPS_AWB1 DCU_CLIENT_IPS_AWB2 DCU_CLIENT_IPS_AE DCU_CLIENT_IPS_RAW DCU_CLIENT_DUMMY_WA DCU_CLIENT_INTRAPRED_IN DCU_CLIENT_LMC_COMMAND0 DCU_CLIENT_LMC_COMMAND1 DCU_CLIENT_LMC_COMMAND2 DCU_CLIENT_LMC_COMMAND3 DCU_CLIENT_INTRAPRED_OUT DCU_CLIENT_FDA_LIST DCU_CLIENT_FDA_SKIP DCU_CLIENT_FDA_FILL DCU_CLIENT_FDA_RES DCU_CLIENT_FDA_TARGET DCU_CLIENT_FDA_DOWNSCALE CGU_UNITID_CPU CGU_UNITID_MMU CGU_UNITID_FCU CGU_UNITID_IPP CGU_UNITID_IPU CGU_UNITID_USB CGU_UNITID_AIF CGU_UNITID_UART CGU_UNITID_AOU CGU_UNITID_Z2C CGU_UNITID_SP CGU_UNITID_LMC CGU_UNITID_GPA CGU_UNITID_PWM CGU_UNITID_IPS CGU_UNITID_SENIF CGU_UNITID_LRME CGU_UNITID_OPU CGU_UNITID_DDE CGU_UNITID_TVE EMPTY CGU_UNITID_MPEG4_MEP CGU_UNITID_MPEG4_MEU CGU_UNITID_MPEG4_CODEC CGU_UNITID_IMIX CGU_UNITID_KERNEL CGU_UNITID_GSIU CGU_UNITID_AIU CGU_UNITID_LDC CGU_UNITID_FDA CGU_UNITID_FFT Uknown cache type. Os/Misc/PowerState.cPower Report ------------ StopCGU%08d ms - 0x%08x - 0x%08XDCU%08d ms - #%d - %ddw Boot - VER: HW=0x%04X, FW=0x%04X.%04X.%04X, CMP=0x%02X, FRQ=%d, CFG=0x%X HCE Ver = %s IP Ver = %s ** Display & Sensor data: ------ %s - %d * %d Display Resolution %s - %dFPS Display Avg Frame RateSensor Resolution Sensor Avg Frame Rate ** CGU Clock Statistics: ------ UNIT : 0x%08x %s Time On : %6dms (%3d%%) ** DRAM Transactions: ------ Client : %02d %s Bytes : %s Client : %02d %s Bytes : %10d (%2d.%02d%% of BW) + UnknownTotal %51s : %10u%s (%2u.%02u%% of BW) ** Dummy Slot Size: ------ ** IPU Blocks: ------ %c%d dwords IPS Blocks: ------ %4s works %3d%% DCI AE AWB1AWB2AF HIST ** COP State: ------ COP is %s ** DAC State: ------ DAC is %s ** Icache Miss Rate: ------ %d.%02d%% ** Dcache Miss Rate: ------ Please enter current levels as follows: %s %s %s ** Current levels in this test: ------ Core - %smA DDR - %smA IO - %smA IPU%08d ms - %s = %s %s is %s%s%s%s is Duration is illegal, can't calculate BW! IPSBYPASS%08d ms - BYPASS = %dCOP%08d ms - %sDAC%08d ms - %sDISP%08d ms - %d*%dUnlimitedSENS%08d ms - %d*%dDUMM%08d ms - %ddwPowerState - StartOn%sOff%d*%d0x%08x - 0x00000000PowerState - Stop%d %sMaximum duration is 5s, setting default to 100ms Os/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/Transfer.cOs/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/Standard.cOs/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/Descriptor.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. byInterval >= 6 && byInterval <= 16Os/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/Usb.cUsbSetAddressUsbDeviceUsbWriteOs/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/Device.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. uiDeviceDescNum == 2Os/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/OpenWired.cHIGH SPEEDUSB: %s FULL SPEED((ULONG)pbyDataBuffer & 0x3) == 0 || ( pEd->uiDirection == USB_DEVICE_WRITE )Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. Os/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/DriverWired.cOs/Usb/Usb2_0/Device/Scan.cwrong unitid %d unitid is invalid0x%08x - 0x%08XOs/Cgu/Cgu.cCLCKS ******************************* ********** CGU %s ********** %03d. ID: 0x%08X, Count: %d UNITSFailed configuring clock frequency!Os/Dma/FastCopy.c[ERR]: %s(%d): Assert Failed [ERR]: %s(%d): Can't append a transaction %d / %d[ERR]: %s(%d): Transactions buffer was not initializedSpMutexSPBankMutexCouldn't allocate sequence memory. DmaEventsDmaCopyMutexMODE_TYPE_POST_PROCMODE_TYPE_NOPMODE_TYPE_VIEWMODE_TYPE_VIEW_USBMODE_TYPE_STILL_CAPMODE_TYPE_STILL_PLAYMODE_TYPE_MOVIE_CAPMODE_TYPE_MOVIE_PLAY%s:%d::%s(): Mode configuration %s is unknown! Os/SMDB/SMDB.c%s:%d::%s(): No mode configuration is available for %s Aborting! %s:%d::%s(): Invalid mode type = %d ============================================= Invalid SMDB mode %d %s %d Caller 0x%x SMDB ID invalidFailed to read active slot machine page Failed loading slot machineFailed switching to slot machine pageSMDB dump: %s %s %s ===== SMDB end ===== %s:%d::%s(): Uknown mode configuration (%s) %s:%d::%s(): Uknown phase (%s) for mode configuration %s Dumping slot machine Type=%s Config=%s Phase=%s : {DCU_CACHE_ALLOW_GMMU = %d} {DCU_CACHE_ALLOW_REF = %d} { Client=%d , Len=%d , Prio=%d } %s:%d::%s(): psSlotMachines[%d].eModeType=%d invalid mode type! %s:%d::%s(): Failed allocating ModeConfigItem for mode=%s ! SmdbInit: Sys. Halt! SmdbInit: Failed allocating psSlotMacData %s:%d::%s(): Invalid number of slot machine pages (%d) %s:%d::%s(): Failed adding psSlotMachines[%d]. %s:%d::%s(): Invalid slot machine ID = %d defaultIDLESPadRebootMainFaceDetectionMJPEGLegacyTranscoderDeblurOKOs/Rtos/Tx/gdb-stub.cE01E03E02Os/Fs/Fcu/FcuMediaInfo.cFcuMediaInfo: Unsupported media typeMedia Info MutexMedia Info Not InitizlizedFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. FALSEOs/Dcu/Set.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. uiBurstEntries == 2Os/Dcu/Slotmac.cFailed to get active slot machine page. %ddwInvalid page index (%d)! NULL slot machine! DcuCacheAllowGet: Invalid CacheAllow type! DcuCacheAllowSet: Invalid CacheAllow type! 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[SwapBuffer] - startIp/ImgProcess.c[SwapBuffer] - endReordering failure at %d:%d:%d:%d Faulty loop in reorderingSwap Error: not enough data area!! [CaptureInsertField] - start[ERR]: %s(%d): Assert Failed [ERR]: %s(%d): invalid chunk size uiChunkBytes(%d) ulDmaTransactionsSizeBytes(%d) DmaFastCopyGetDataSize(%d)[CaptureInsertField] - start dma[CaptureInsertField] - end[ERR]: %s(%d): can't handle this forma %d %d %d Ip/Fdta.cIllegal face state %d Aborting %d ARRIVED_TO_%s%d S_F_%s_T_%s[FD_PP] - Start[FD_PP] - End[FD] - Start[FD] - End[FD_SCALE] - Start[FD_SCALE0] - Start[FD_SCALE0] - End[FD_SCALE%d] - Start[FD_SCALE%d] - End[FD_SCALE] - EndNOT_SCALING_%dFdtaRenderer got bad frame type %d Showing %d facesFACE [%d %d %d %d]\DCIM\Scales.bin\DCIMError creating \DCIM directory ! Error opening %s file ! Terminating save ... FDTA got illegal frame type %d File not found !!! 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Ip/Drc.c[Drc] - StartUnsupported size [FormatConvert] - Start[FormatConvert] - End[Intensity] - Start[Intensity] - End[LumaCorrection] - Start[LumaCorrection] - End[LFPnarrow] - Start[LFPnarrow] - End[LFPwide] - Start[LFPwide] - End[FullProcess] - Start[Gain] - Start[Gain] - End[JpegLoad] - Start[JpegLoad] - End[DrcGainCorrection] - Start[DrcGainCorrection] - End[FormatConvertFinal] - Start[FormatConvertFinal] - End[Drc] - End[FullProcess] - End[MEMORY-TEST] - Start[MEMORY-TEST] - EndDRC cannot be run on image - not enough memory... %s loadno-loadDRC: %dx%d RGB=%s [L:Intensity] - Start[L:Intensity] - End[L:PostIntensity] - Start[L:PreIntensity] - Start[L:PreIntensity] - End[Lw-init] - Start[Lw-init] - EndDRC: PARTS=%d Maximum memory used = %d bytes %s %d uSec DRC Processing Time[PreFullProcess] - Start[PreFullProcess] - End[L:PostIntensity] - End[PostFullProcess] - Start[PostFullProcess] - End[COMPRESS-YUV] - Start[COMPRESS-YUV] - EndDRC: CR=%d.%.01d xxL  < $= $  Ip/LrmeFilter.cInOut,i f ,i f ,i ,l ,i ,i f ,i k WienerFilter: Unknown vector size in LogUint()Ip/Deblurring/WienerFilteredImageCreator/Wfg.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. bResultEPSFS_PSF_STATE_IDLE != ePsfStateA?@ Ip/Deblurring/WienerFilteredImageCreator/Wfic.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. NULL == g_psWficg_psWfichWfic == (HWFIC)g_psWficbResultg_psWfic == psInstpsCfg!psInst->bIsOpenhFDFilterpbyFirstPassOutputpbySecondPassOutputsIntermediateOutput.pbyBufferhMixer ?L<̌?Ip/Ldc.ct t t t t p V\WW XTXXГ 0 Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. 0Ip/IpComp.cIp/Cmp.cCR: %d, SF: %d | ?@A?p@?A??A?Gz?)\(?@AD?` G?@@C??C:\LSCLUTLSC: lsb difference: Ip/Lsc.cCould not find monotonic increasing polynom LSC: Sensor Horizontal Field Number = 0!!! %c.BINIp/Deblurring/PSF/Psf.cPsfCreationMutexFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. NULL == g_psPsfClasspsInitCfgg_psPsfClassTX_SUCCESS == uiTxResultNULL == g_psPsfClass->psInstRootpsInstpsInst->sPsfParams.sBuffer.pbyBufferuiTxResultbValidSample number %d, lX = %d, lY = %d psExppsExp->dTimeExposureEnd > psExp->dTimeExposureStartpsScaleArrayA@?A?   0 Ip/IpDebug.cError: IpDebugGetBlockPtr() 0x%x Ip/Awb.c%d:(%d,%d) R(%d,%d) B(%d,%d) ulAwbLutSize(Gr,Gb) = (%d,%d) Ip/Deblurring/DeblurUtils.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. !(psInput->uiWidth % DBLR_INT_CFG_ZIP_RATIO)!(psZipped->uiLeft % DBLR_INT_CFG_ZIP_RATIO)psInput->uiHeight == psZipped->uiHeightpsInput->uiWidth == psZipped->uiWidth!(psRestored->uiWidth % DBLR_INT_CFG_ZIP_RATIO)psZipped->uiHeight == psRestored->uiHeightpsZipped->uiWidth == psRestored->uiWidthhMorphLpfPathbResulthDownscalePathbyBuffer = %p uiFrameWidth = %d uiFrameHeight = %d uiLeft = %d uiTop = %d uiWidth = %d uiHeight = %d Ip/Deblurring/BlendMapCreator/Bmc.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. NULL == g_psBmcg_psBmchBmc == (HBMC)g_psBmcbResultpsBmc->sScaledMapCfg.uiScaleArraySize * sizeof(SIPEDGEMAP11REGS) <= psEdgeMapCfg->uiBufSize!g_psBmc->bIsOpenpsCfg->psScaleRatiospsCfg->psPsfDirFlatspsCfg->psEdgeMapCfgpsCfg!((psBmc->uiImageWidth * psScaleRatio->sRatioH.uiNumerator) % psScaleRatio->sRatioH.uiDenominator)psBmc->sMixed.pbyBufferpsBmc->psZippedOutput->uiFrameWidth >= psBmc->uiImageWidthhEdgeMapUpscalePathhImixPath!((psBmc->uiMaxOutHeight * psScaleRatio->sRatioH.uiNumerator) % psScaleRatio->sRatioH.uiDenominator)psBmc->sEdgeMap.pbyBufferpsBmc->sDownscaled.pbyBufferpsZippedBlendMapg_psBmc->bIsOpenpsDownscaledBlendMappsInputImagepsBmc->psZippedOutput->pbyBufferpsBmc->psZippedOutput->uiFrameHeight >= psBmc->uiMaxOutHeightpsBmc->psDownscaledOutput->pbyBufferpsBmc->psDownscaledOutput->uiWidth == ALIGN_UP(psBmc->uiImageWidth, DBLR_INT_CFG_TEST_REGION_SCALE_RATIO) / DBLR_INT_CFG_TEST_REGION_SCALE_RATIOpsBmc->psDownscaledOutput->uiHeight == ALIGN_UP(psBmc->uiMaxOutHeight, DBLR_INT_CFG_TEST_REGION_SCALE_RATIO) / DBLR_INT_CFG_TEST_REGION_SCALE_RATIO Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. ( psFineTargetPoint->pbyBufferIn >= psStabTarget->pbyFineRawImage ) && ( psFineTargetPoint->pbyBufferIn < ( psStabTarget->pbyFineRawImage + ( psStabTarget->uiFrameWidth * psStabTarget->uiFrameHeight) ) )Ip/StabilizerC10.c( iMeReferenceStartX >= 0 ) && ( iMeReferenceStartY >= 0 ) && ( iMeReferenceStartX <= (INT)(psStabTarget->uiFrameWidth - STABILIZER_FINE_ME_REF_SIZE_X ) ) && ( iMeReferenceStartY <= (INT)(psStabTarget->uiFrameHeight - STABILIZER_FINE_ME_REF_SIZE_Y ) )Stabilzier - unsupported input formatDIST requires YUV of VGA size to run! DIST requires at least 6 YUV display buffers to run! ?@Aug 16 2010%s, %s14:37:52Ip/BrcFilter.cInOutEnable%s duplicate-frame tool Disable%s i-insertion tool x Ȏ x Ȏ x 0 x x x Ȏ '8TPLHD@< $0*! $O"<(,+$ȩlS'( <#!hD#3Dp%@F!8(!HG80qp@ r! !!!0o+(N!8!0L+H!@!8 ? <,H%!8GE`J%I!(#@8H0q8Er!!@! 4+0!(!!0+!8m!8k%<4!0!(+!8D!8#D3p%@F!8(!HG80qp@ r! !!!0o+(N!8!0L+H!@!8 , <(5!0! +!(!8,H%!8G`J%'x&%`P6$ y%pPxsh7r3%! pTr!8PqrPpr!0!H!f!TP q!!(hq!B!+lS' <#!hD#3p%@F!8(!HG80qp@ r! !!!0o+(N!@!0L+H!8 !8? <,%!8GE`J%I!(#8rH0sp8Er!@!!4+0T! u!(!0L+@!H!8(k%%##h!!0!(!8+X !V!0! !( !8!@ !`!h!(0ȣq!p8`Ep!@|hq0'xHpB%x 2 x p!(#Q4  0d!!Xhl `p<$<`d!0$+X!E!8 pdd&`+fpWD@`D}@tM$@@*ßgd$pl<p%)*  @!!Hx!<$<!8$+X!E!0 +g&vUt@Tt%Utq@!pHqz$s|!h4p!HtXx!!T+`T!he!@!(`hq(+!H>s!8!K+K!!!(Vq!XYr+,!.ps!H(xWr!r!Pm8!W¿8Ek !!X% !!J!(M !x!h#0+++p0#6!8!!r#X.!+P!BC]!j%Xu ^{ (,B%%05C C(F,KJS _$WYIFGgqXp IY!h"!m#7+P?#@?#j w !((N,X xq8q_^!!+h##X-#0VS$!80 404$##+ #dBP@CrSp!` ÷! 04!( !8BpCr8Sp!(P!,Q8^<C$##+#" !8h0rQp!!X7DK!(@F!8 $`PHr@Qp!*!HL$ !8$!8!@ !`0G$40,`p!oȣq @H!@X#p!P7%(b+# E#x@rq!8!PT!($ !8CpB0`h0!4!7@XrpHq!b!1@%@pX!(\$ !8!($!8!@ !`0S$~40g.!ghrr!$!8 !B004 X0qHJp؎ Ў!#h!x1+@#p@ ##8hp@Ÿ %+(#XtF#0HQqrp@r8p<(z ! 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Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. 0Os/Sensor/Driver/ConfigSensorC10.cSensor: FRM_SX is too small error: using 3H sensor with with illegal number of lines and/or number of colors per fieldStrip Mode not supported with hardware reorderingAltering ItgImg?? regs%s = %dDCU_MVS_IMAGE_FLIPDCU_MVS_BLOCKS_IN_STRIPDCU_MVS_LAST_BLOCK_HSIZEDCU_MVS_OTHER_BLOCK_HSIZEDCU_MVS_BLOCK_VSIZEDCU_MVS_BLOCK_JUMPDCU_MVS_STRIP_NUMDCU_MVS_STRIP_JUMPDCU_MVS_LINE_JUMPDCU_MVS_MULTI_MODEDCU_MVS_EXTENDED_MODEDCU_MVS_IMAGE_V_FLIPDCU_MVS_GAP_MODEDCU_MVS_LINE_JUMP_ALT:after scaleparamsD`lxTA>fffff@@Afffff@@@@ @@?Os/Sensor/Driver/CustomSensor/CustomSensor.cCannot do field stat + Optimized ANROs/Sensor/Statistics/StatisticsC10.cSensor PathGo collision---- StatisticsStop ------ paths aborted ---- queue sent ------ StatisticsStart ----StatAestat: %sStatEnableAeReadyStatPattern SemcewfAfmsReadyAwbReadyHistReadyAwb1ReadyCaptureAwbReadyCaptureAeReadyCaptureAfsmReadyCaptureHistReadyCaptureStatisticsPathGoStatImageProcStatEvent** Skip stat %d. No Q space. ** ** SKIP STAT %d **Invalid statistics queue requested.0Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. StatisticsAwb1CaptureStatisticsAwbCaptureStatisticsAeCaptureStatisticsHistCaptureStatisticsAfCaptureStillWaitDone waitStillWaitDone EndAF stopped abnormally HistCapt %dHIST stopped abnormallyHIST stopped abnormally AE stopped abnormally AWB stopped abnormally AWB1 stopped abnormally SetBuffer:%08XInvalid filed number.Legacy stat configurationLegacy capture stat configuration is no longer supported.%s Skip stats during nightmode nightmode skip-- StatActivateCapture %d --DCI cap enabledStat.ImgH %d.%dAF cap enabledAE cap enabledinF:FW %dinF:FH %dinF:W %dinF:H %dinF:L %dinF:T %dinF:B %xflds %xCapture Stat Path SubmittedSACap doneRequested field wasn't properly logged.AWB1 cap enabledHIST cap enabledHist [%d.%d]AWB2 cap enabledHIST.Act %XSkip Capture HIST** Skip capture stat AWB2 ** ** Skip capture stat AWB ** *** Skip capture stat AF ** Configuring AE OutputGetting AE geometryCopying some AE data(re)allocating AE bufferFilling out AE infopsInfo:%08X pvBuffer:%08X uiHWindows:%d uiVWindows:%d uiImageWidth:%d uiImageHeight:%d uwExposure:%d Agc:%d bStrobe:%d ulFrameCount:%d uiPattern:%d uwFrameId:%d uiFirstPixelColor:%d uiScanDepth:%d uiSize:%d queue:%08X** Skip capture stat AE *** uiFirstThreshold:%d uiRepeatedThreshold:%dRestoring View AE settingsCapture AE Stat Cfg DoneinF:SubF %dFrF:Fn %d|Jf %d|Jof %dFrF:Addr %08X,%08XSkip Capture AFSkip Capture AWBSkip Capture AESkip Capture AWB2INT3 config: %dStatReq C. %dNo more room for StatReq structuresStatReq D. %dLog Field %dNo StatReq structure was initialized yet-- StatisticsActivate --path %d configurate:submit path no. %dAE req buf size: %d** Skip stat AE ** Pathh no. %d go!!Pathh no. %d ended!!DCI enabledAF enabledwait vbs*** Drop stat *** Histogram enabledAWB2 enabledAWB1 enabledIntrp 3 configured: %ddummy_frmbDisableStatistics is onHist req buf size: %d** Skip stat Histogram ** Skip HistAWB1 req buf size: %d** Skip stat AWB ** Skip AWBAF req buf size: %d** Skip stat AF ** Skip AFAWB2 req buf size: %d** Skip stat AWB2 ** Skip AWB2Skip AEAE enabledPath no. %d go!!Path no. %d ended!!WaitForDC startWaitForDC End %xtdT(lH,h          h $4PlP (08x,D DDs~Duuuuuu:enter BuildScalerParams:after BuildScalerParams %d:after CalcScaleRatio %ld:after CalcFilterWidth %ld:after CalcFilterPadding %ld:after SetPowerSaveMode:after CalcFilterStretchParams:after InitializeFilterCoefs:after CalcFirstLastPixels@?SensorSetEvent ERROR SensorSetEvent cleared event %s psMode->uiVtotalSize was not initialized, might cause statistics problems! 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Zcam/Commands/HceDirect.cWrong compression format!!! JPEG path pass couldn't be created !!! Currently only support YUV422 format. error: psJpegInfo->puiActJpgSize == NULL!!! Frame: Cr-%d, Size-%d DirectImageSave(): File format is not supported! (DirectImageSave) Illegal BRC mode Format %d is not supported. DirectImageProcessint(): Image dimension must be even number! ...\%s\%s\%s%03d%sUnknown ISR ID A:\b2u.datA:\u2b.datA:\g2u.datA:\gbk2u.datA:\sjis2u.datA:\han2u.datDirectPlayWavDirectPlayWavExDirectPlayWavRepeatDC input image must be a multiple of 8X8 block Subimage height must be less than 256 Subimage height must be greater than 64 Input image height must be dividable by subimage height Input image height must be dividable by the subimage height DCCBEVENTDCCBSEMADcCbThreadDirectDcConversion: Out of memory Open media fail Inefficient use of DirectDmaFillLine... Use only for more than 256B Incorrect Pin Valueinvalid size to decompress (0)error opening audio file DirectFastBootResourceWrite: Invalid resource location No resource media was defined \RESOURCE\Writing to parition A (=1) of resident media is prohibited in fast boot. DirectUpdateThumbnail: Wrong input parameter! DirectAviFileCreate: Is suported for AVI only! File creation fail! DirectAviFileOpen: Is suported for AVI only! DirectAviFileOpen: Unsupported open mode! DirectAviFileOpen(): failed to open AVI file for read DirectAviFileOpen(): failed to open AVI file for append DirectAviFileClose: Is suported for AVI only! DirectAviGetYUVFrame: Is suported for AVI only! DirectAviGetYUVFrame: Invalid input parameters! DirectAviGetYUVFrame(): Video stream is absent DirectAviReleaseYUVFrame: Wrong input parameter! DirectAviCreateFrame: Wrong input parameters! DirectAviAddFrame: Is supported for AVI only! DirectAviAddFrame: Wrong input parameters! DirectAviDeleteFrame: Is supported for AVI only! DirectAviDeleteFrame: Is not suported for movies with audio stream! MS Sleep.jpUnable to allocate buffer for JPEG code Unable to extract JPEG code DeblurSetting deblurring slot machine DeblurCreate failed with status %d Deblur failedwith status %d %s_deblur.jpgsaved deblured image to %s Unable to set slot machine DeblurDestroy failed with status %d DMA Copy Fail Could not create Flip path. Zcam/Services/Ip/ApsRotate.cNot enough memory for temporary conversion buffer Not enough memory for temporary rotation buffer ؘؘؘ        TTTTTTTTOO,NPWXWxZYxYXxX f(f0f8f@fHfPfeZcam/Api/ApiGeneral.cAppDcfCreateFileZcam/Commands/AppDcf.cAVIMOVJPGTIFWAVTHMPNGAppDcfSetSearchChars chAppDirSearchFreeChars=%s AppDcfSetFreeChars chAppDirSearchFreeChars=%s AppDcfSetNextKey called AppDcfSetNextKey end AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum started DrChars:%s FileChars:%s AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum APP_DCF_CREATE_NEW_OBJECT_ON_TOP mode AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum APP_DCF_CREATE_NEW_OBJECT_RESET_MODE mode AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: result Dir:%d File%d AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum:puwMaxDirNum-%d Chars-%s Cannot allocate new DCF number. AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum Max= %d AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum APP_DCF_CREATE_NEW_OBJECT_ON_BOTTOM mode AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum APP_DCF_CREATE_NEW_OBJECT_SERIAL_MODE mode AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum:uwObjectsCount-%d AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum:uwObjectsCount>4000 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum:uwObjectsCount<4000 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum:uwLastFileNumber=%d AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 2 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 1_1 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 6 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum *puwMaxFileNum= %d uiMaxNumberFilesInFolder=%d AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 1 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 7 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 4 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 3 AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum: 5 DCF numbering has reached its limit 999/9999. AppDcfCheckNewObject AppDcfGetNewFileDirNum = FALSE AppDcfCheckNewObject return TRUE AppDcfCheckNewObject ApsDcfGetCurrFile = FALSE AppDcfCheckNewObject ApsDcfGetCurrDir = FALSE AppDcfCreateNewFile begin AppDcfCreateNewFile after ApsDcfGetCurrFile AppDcfCreateFile uwNewFileNum=%d AppDcfCreateFile ApsDcfGetPosition returns %d AppDcfCreateFile before AppDcfCheckNewObject AppDcfCreateFile after ApsDcfUpdateLastObject %d AppDcfCreateFile FX_SUCCESS AppDcfCreateNewFile create new dir AppDcfCreateNewFile after DcfAdd AppDcfCreateNewFile phNewFile == NULL AppDcfCreateNewFile path=%s AppDcfCreateNewFile DcfRemove AppDcfCreateNewFile uiStatus == FX_SUCCESS %s Media Error! AppDcfCheckSequence: called Dir:%d File%d Seq%d AppDcfCheckSequence: mode RESET AppDcfCheckSequence: Finish Dir:%d File%d AppDcfCheckSequence: mode TOP AppDcfCheckSequence: bCreateNewFolder = TRUE AppDcfCheckSequence: mode BOTTOM AppDcfCheckSequence: mode SERIAL No directories found. No directory found with free chars - %s Dir %u%s has no files. \DCIMFolder creation failed The folder is already present! Folder created successfully AppDcfDeleteAllinDirNumber DcfDeleteAll failed AppDcfDeleteAllinDirNumber hNewDir == NULL @A@AV AUDIO ERROR: %s Codec found Zcam/Services/DirectMovie/ApsAvAudio.cSTOPPED Failed to open %s filePAUSE ERROR Codec not foundCould not open codecCould not open AudioCodec not found! decompressed space filled failed to open codec context Open file %s for reading Failed to find the steam in file %s AvAudio DecoderEnd playing ID3Can not open file %s AvAudEncReadyBuffAvAudEmptyBuffAvAudioEventhAvPlayInfo init failed Zcam/Servers/Browse/Audio/Audio.cBrowseAudioStart Browse AudioеԴAwb1 process terminating !!! Af process terminating !!! Histogram process terminating !!! AaaEventsAaaAaaAwbAaaAfAaaAwb1AaaHistPoint calibrated to: R%d Gr%d B%d Gb%d Awb process terminating !!! AAA process terminating !!! A:\AE.BINZcam/Algorithms/Ae/Ae.c%d skip exp: %d %d %d %d AE aborted e - %d (%d) (%d%c) Zcam/Commands/AppIndex.c4I43_SetNextDCFKey I43_GetDCFInfo Zcam/Api/ApiMedia.cI43_GetStorageMediaStatus - %d I43_GetStorageMediaStatusEx - %d I43_GetStorageOtherMediaStatus - %d I43_GetFileAttributes - OK I43_FileOperation FAIL - 0x%x I43_FileListOperation %d %d I43_FileListOperation FAIL - 0x%x I43_GetFirstFileAttribute - OK I43_GetNextFileAttribute - OK I43_DisMountStorageMedia I43_FormatStorageMedia %d I43_RegisterResourceMedia I43_GetDcfDatabaseInfo - %d Zcam/Commands/AppFo.cContent removed successfully Content removed error %03d%.5sList operations with directories is not supported FileOperationFileListOperation((l$$pCalibrationcdZcam/Servers/Still/Calibration/Calibration.c&sFrame: %d %d %d %d %d %d 0x%X xLtdLd|p  <       4 H L Zcam/Commands/AppGraphic.cI43_SetMemLocationPtr: wrong index %d Zcam/Services/File/ApsLoadObject.cspecified file type doesn't match file extension Image format unknown Loading PNG failed &&'((('''DpcMutexZcam/Services/Ip/ApsDefPix.cbefore defective pixels: 0x%x x = 0x%x, y = 0x%x, val = 0x%04x After defective pixels: 0x%x C:\DefectivePixVd0.BINC:\DefectivePixel0.BIN-- szDefPixResName =%s -- load from preload buffer(%d) , num=%d C:\DefectivePixel.BIN%03d. X=%d Y=%d L=%d, R=%d, C=%d V=%d %03d. X=%d Y=%d L=%d, R=%d V=%d DDHDZcam/Servers/Browse/Image/Image.cImage: Exit on error %d ImageBrowseImageStart BrowseImageEnd &sDisplayFrame: %d %d %d %d %d %d 0x%X Select default image buffer Select hidden image buffer Image: Exit on abort Fail to create the scaled backup buffer ! ЮZcam/Commands/AppRsrc.cFailed to open Resource %c - 0x%x. RES CS - OK Failed to open Resource B. Resource formated - 0x%X RES %c - OK B:RESOURCE\C:S:I:R:E:[RRS] - %sError reading resource %s. [RRE] - %sAppResourceWrite failed creating %s - %d $BtLDC process dly = %u Zcam/Servers/Still/Preview/StillPreview.c[DC] - Start[DC] - End%s Skip DIST! [DIST] - Start[DIST] - End - SensorQueueSuspend - SensorStopTransaction - bStillPreviewAbort[StillPreviewAbort] - Start[StillPreviewAbort] - EndMainPreview StartPreviewModeStillPreviewStop [DBG]: %s(%d)(0x%08X): INFO - Should have freed %d buffersStillPreviewActive Buffer LockNo valid LDC preview filter found StillPreviewMain DistServerEventDistServerQueueStillPreviewDistServMainPreview Grab[PRV]: beginskip to view slot-RAW-Filter ID from Frame Doesn't match filter ID. [PRV]: 1st of StillQPPendingOut of StillPreviewMain loop - Terminated[PRV]: VideoStabilize[PRV]: DraftCapture[PRV]: SaveRawData[PRV]: Drop frame[PRV]: Display frame[PRV]: After drop checkSwitch to view slot[MAIN_IMAGE] - Start[PIPU] - Start[MAIN_IMAGE] - End[PIPU] - End[PRV]: Is real video buf[PRV]: final[ERR]: %s(%d): Assert Failed Can't determine preview ratio: %d x %d [PRV]LDC CREATE[LDC] - Start[LDC] - End&sPreviewYuvFrame: %d %d %d %d %d %d 0x%X Abort preview is not supported yet!!! FDTA only support aspect ratio 4:3 or 3:2 Use I43_SetImageSize to set the size  ܧ"DY 4"D"DhZcam/Services/Ip/ApsImgProc.cError in ConvertImgProcStructToPathParam() [ERR]: %s(%d): Assert Failed [ERR]: %s(%d): Invalid filter(%d) version(%d) size(%d) Error in ConvertImgProcStructToPathParam(), Chromatic Aberration filter A:\BASENLGF.BINError in convert fdta filter path() Error in convert ldc filter path() t\8\ DZcam/Services/VideoStabilizer/ApsVideoStabilizer.cZcam/Commands/AppDisplay.cA:\GAMMADDE1.BINA:\Eps_GCPN.BINA:\Eps_XSCL.BINNo such configuration for Video Output dD 4Ld\tXx@xXL\t 4H8  d  |   D Zcam/Servers/Still/StillServer.cStillImageGetImageStillOnActive %d #################bStillPreviewAbort Opening data file Saving data header Using same file number End of data saving StillAbort StillOnExit StillOnSetCaptureSequence Store Done Failed to store file - 0x%x StillOnStoreExit StillOnFileCreateExit StillOnFileCompressExit StillOnAaaExit StillOnSetCompressionRatio AeSetAeMode %d AeSetAgcMode %d AeSetPreviewExpLimit %d %d AeSetCaptureExpLimit %d %d %d %d AeSetExpDeviation %d AwbLoadCtcTable AwbSetMode %d AwbSetForcedValues %d %d %d Setting Image Processing for this mode is not supportedStillOnSetRecordingTime %d StillOnSetEnableMjpegThumbnail %d StillOnSetRecordingFrames %d StillOnSetTruncateTime %d Date stamping applies on main image only! Main image date stamping is not enabled! StillOnSetMbnAuto %d StillOnSetMbnManual %d StillOnFlipLr %d StillOnFlipUd %d in the correct switch ulParams1 = %d AAThreadStill mode not supported Out of Memory for LDC with PreviewIPP Gamma filter is not the right version Unable to create LDC filter Unknown message %d %d statStillServerP0lx< 8 <\ X$##!!!!\##"X!"##|?@@uiPos = %d ApsDcfSeek 1 ApsDcfSeek 4 iSeekTo= %d ApsDcfSeek 2 (hCurrDir == hRoot) while ( hCurrDir != NULL ) ApsDcfSeek 5 Get First ApsDcfSeek 5 Get Last ApsDcfSeek 4 break PNGAVIMOVWAVRAW422;264;AVI;MP4;MOV;ASF;WMV;WMA;AAC;MPGTIFJPGTHMApsDcfGetCurrDir DcfNumberExistsTest called ApsDcfGetCurrDir DcfNumberExistsTest return FALSE puwDirNum Reached maximum DCF number. ApsDcfGetCurrDir DcfNumberExistsTest return TRUE %d DcfNumberExistsTest called DcfNumberExistsTest returns Dir=%d, File=%d DcfNumberExistsTest return FALSE Reached maximum DCF number. ApsDcfGetCurrDir returns %d DcfNumberExistsTest return TRUE %d ApsDcfGetCurrDir returns 0 ApsDcfRemoveAllFromDirectory called szPath = %s м0DLпxdL<(Ծ``<`Zcam/Commands/AppPip.c`@$Zcam/Commands/AppPreview.cUnsupported Gamma resource version ***************************** Not yet supported !!! A:\GAMMALUT.BINLoadGammaResource: Failed reading resource file. LoadGammaResource: Failed getting resource file size. C:\LSCLUTA:\LCLUT0LZcam/Commands/AppMedia.cMEMSTICK.INDFailed to open the media - %d COACHPICTResidentExternal%s media mounted successfully (%d mSec). AppMediaGetCurrentId failed in File=%s Line=%d NO MEDIA WAS SELECTEDOtherMediaGetStatus Failed to open the media - %d OtherMediaGetStatus NO MEDIA SELECTED A:\MEDIAFORMAT.BINMountAppMediaDramDriveCreate %d AppMediaDramDriveDestroy No media is currently mounted. Can't unprotect partition A of resource media!!! ZoranLtdNO_NAME  $, \8\8d8p888\8L8 DDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDCCCCCCpD(DD(D(DxD(D(D(D(D(D(D(DDD\IhItIIPIIIIIPIIIIIHCE Uart WriteHCE Uart ReadHCEIntHCECapIntHCEZcam/Commands/AppGeneral.c\/\WAVE\fmt\WAVE\INFO\ICRDNot Found.\WAVE\exif\emdl\WAVE\exif\etim\WAVE\dataSPadIDLEStack from scratchpad segment was not defined properly Entering ScratchPad mode... Original frequency is %d Hz ScratchpadModeThreadCannot create ScratchpadModeThread threadAppSetMode 0x%X %d - 0x%02XPlayback of media file disabled in HceEnableVideoFilePlayback [Shutter Lag] - StartZcam/Commands/AppAudio.cFATAL ERROR: Audio codec wasn't registered LLL\LlL0LSTSSSSCOACH CameraZoran1.00ZORAN01234567Hce/HcePtp.cNew dir created %s HCE Ptp Obj Deleted %s Hce/HcePtpPacket.c########%s d404444044444x444d4444d448444484h44<4<4h44destroyObjdestroyStore&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&psSetup->wIndex:0x%x MTP1Hce/HceMtpPtpDb.c484d44@4@444(4@44@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@44@4@44Hce/HceMtp.cWMAmicrosoft.com: 1.0; microsoft.com/WMPPD: 10.0; A:\CDImage.isoFail to open %s Hce/HceUfi.cFail to allocate memory. Open %s. Read %u uiMediaID(%02Xh) register successfully. Lun=%d I43_RegisterMsMlunMedia fail !!! Warning !!! I43MLUN_MEDIA_SECTORSIZE fail !!! Warning !!! I43MLUN_MEDIA_SECTORSNUM fail !!! Warning !!! I43MLUN_MEDIA_WRITEPROTECT fail CD-ROM lun number is %u HCE_OnMoviePlayComplete()=========== 2HM_PWRC_BUTTON_NOTIFICATION 2nd-HM_USB_MODE_CHANGE=%x Goodbye... SEC HM_PIP_EFFECT_COMPLETE======= *** Memory full >>>>>>> *** *** CardID = %x CarParam = %x *** *** HM_MOVIE_PLAY_OPERATION_COMPLETE *** HM_USB_MODE_CHANGE=%x HM_MOUNT_COMPLETED %s HW decoding error, please reboot!! reg=%d Goodbye... HM_CREATE HCE playback aborted *** OnCardDetect!!! = %x *** *** Hot plug card is (EXTENDED) *** *** Hot plug card is (RESIDENT) *** /5/5/5/5/5/5USB_PLUG_TIMER=%d %d PWR_OFF_TIMER %x 95959595 :5:5,:595;5;5;5;5;5;5;5LOCATION%02dHCE_AutoPowerOff_settimer ON++++++++++++++++++ Save1 Save2 Save3 Save4 Save5 ulQpStop=%d DEFAULT TELE WIDE PB OK UP LEFT RIGHT DOWN HCE: Initial Buttons read DevPower_Off===== *** dz *** ADC1=%d %d JPGThe value of uwSuccess = %d *** Moun media again... *** PHOTOPICT*** bExternal !!! = %d *** ..\DCIM..\LCD UPS051B_25_I RGB_960x720========== HimaxDlcdInit ... 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Picture type %d is not defined Mep for frame %d ended due to CABAC decoding error Unsupported stream (frame size) Unsupported stream (b frames) 0Mep EventsMEP_EVENT_FRAME_COMPLETE failed!,mpeg1zFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. n == 32 || value < (1U << n)Os/Include/..\Av\Include\/common.hOs/Avz/mpeg1z.cipict_type != B_TYPEstartcode: %3X Picture Start CodeSlice Start CodeUserData Start CodeSequence Start CodeSequence end CodeGop start CodeExt start CodeReserved start code at %d show_bits_long(gb, 24) != 0(width > 0) && (height > 0) && (width % 2) == 0 && (height % 2) == 0frame skip %d (s->frame_rate_index) != 0 && (s->frame_rate_index < 9)s->aspect_ratio_info != 0get_bits1(gb) == 0get_bits1(gb) != 0get_bits1(gb) == 1s->pict_type >= 1 && s->pict_type <= 3Returning since s->last_picture_ptr==NULL && s->pict_type==B_TYPE Returning since avctx->hurry_up>=5 mpeg1z_decode_frame returning - no supplementary picture mpeg1z_frame_start failed, returning header damaged vbv_buffer_size = 0 !!! ]0u2`<Error during loading AVZ tables by %s 0x%08X Os/Avz/Codec11/Drivers/Mpeg1/Mpg1Encoder.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. 0 Error during loading AVZ tables by %s 0x%08X Os/Avz/Codec11/Drivers/Mpeg4/Mpg4Encoder.c[VCLD] - Start[VCLD] - StopFREEZE Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. 0AACOs/Avz/aacdecz.cAAC error: ADIF header detected, ignoring psAacDecData failed AAC error: ADTS header detected, ignoring jpegzFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. (bBaseline == TRUE) && (uwSize[0] != 0) && (uwSize[1] != 0) && (sJpegParam.pbyYQt != 0) && (sJpegParam.pbyCQt != 0)Os/Avz/jpegz.cAllocPictureBuffer - JPEG buffer not freed! Os/Avz/AvzResource.cError during reading file %s, read %d bytes Error during loading AVZ tables by %s 0x%08X Os/Avz/Codec11/Drivers/Mpeg1/Mpg1Decoder.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. Mep for frame %d ended due to VLC decoding error 0Error during loading AVZ tables by %s 0x%08X Os/Avz/Codec11/Drivers/Mpeg4/Mpg4Decoder.cFailed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. Mep for frame %d ended due to VLC decoding error Unsupported stream (umv) Unsupported stream (B frames present) Unsupported stream (frame size) 0Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. psBrc->iAvgActivity != 0Os/Avz/brcz.cV1 algorithm is not supported Os/Avz/Codec11/Drivers/H264/H264Encoder.cError during loading AVZ tables by %s 0x%08X [VCLD] - Start[VCLD] - StopFREEZE Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. 0A:\Mpg4GppCodeC11.binA:\Mpg4VldCodeMemoryC11.binA:\Mpg4ICodeC11.binA:\Mpg4VlceCodeMemoryC11.binA:\Mpg4PCodeC11.binA:\Mpg1GppCodeC11.binA:\Mpg1VldCodeMemoryC11.binA:\Mpg1ICodeC11.binA:\Mpg1VlceCodeMemoryC11.binA:\Mpg1PCodeC11.binA:\H264GppCabacC11.binA:\H264ICodeC11.binA:\H264PCodeC11.binA:\H264GppCabacCodeC11.binAvzTableLoad: Error code 0x%08X Uninitialized table %s %d AvzGetH264BCodeAvzGetH264BV0CodeAvzGetH264GppCabacCodeAvzGetH264ICodeAvzGetH264IV0CodeAvzGetH264PCodeAvzGetH264PV0CodeAvzGetH264VldCodeMemoryAvzGetMpg1BCodeAvzGetMpg1GppCodeAvzGetMpg1ICodeAvzGetMpg1VldCodeMemoryAvzGetMpg1VlceCodeMemoryAvzGetMpg1PCodeAvzGetMpg4GppCodeAvzGetMpg4ICodeAvzGetMpg4VldCodeMemoryAvzGetMpg4BCodeAvzGetMpg4VlceCodeMemoryAvzGetMpg4PCode @(*@. X2 `2 P2ECR: %d, BR: %d, FR: %d, T0: %d, SIZE: %dx%d Failed assertion `%s' at line %d of `%s'. Unknown HRD mode in BrcInit. Unexpected results. uwLpfMaxIndex[3*iIndex] != 0Os/Avz/BrcCbr.cUnknown frame type                       '!!-@! @  !H!+0F!!f!X+ k !0 + Jc!8! ' K ! G! !X!!p8+xy!($ ! '  @!8! '' !!P.!!`!X+8! !H!h+0 -+H!8 !(' !8! @!(K !0  ! !!+"!!P?$ !(' '@!8+q@  '!@! @$!`'- e@!$'TP\XLHD@<8d! ! d \$!qb( @#<4d\$! ! ^@ #^#X$&,d Ó.$*b0Ў͎@x!p`!Xs!ʎ*Hutrk $ ߎ&+?Y!(@&#b!` $Dj(!@$P,!H*'`>+p!@!H# +( #+#E!X+8y!P!0G!  +'!H$ $# +( #+#E!X+8y!P!0G!  +'!x+p#8#0#8!0+!!8?U!@!H' @x!pX!PmLHI!!#i+ #$_*+!P#! @@! q+!@b !0@!@LI@@ !  !B_!P!8+(!!0%$X`Fp !('@P!@ <' b40,($ 4!!!! H ! E,8$ 0D!( 4 '<B:I~$V $#  $> $40,($ !`8'# ($$U &&@$$ I|@$ 1@P $!` '$!` '$ K%}@$ }j%D-T-! &U &@! $!U &$ !` ' $ 1@!@$!%c$0|0i| $@!@!',!,% !!!"` $!  !(@ $$"$-Ri ! $-HJ,@ $@P $&, 0&#$# ~$! 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PTP - could not read data phase... Invalid container type ! PTP: got request - 0x%X. Params: %x PtpIsTransactionIdValid curr Id(0x%x), req(0x%x) ! PTP: got a request with Invalid Transaction Id(0x%x), currId(0x%x) ! Transaction cancelled PTP: Failed to send data Handler [0x%04x]: 0x%08x PTP: got a request while the session was closed ! PTP: Failed to send a response Passing request on to HCE: 0x%04x Waiting for HCE response... SendData received... Now waiting for Response Error: Invalid PTP Sequence! ERROR. Read-usb failed! Ptp received msg on BULK. Header: Ptp - responder error! MOVDPSMRKJPGWAVAVITIFPtpUsbAgentxy'xy' 0%0%0%0%/%/%/%5%`6%X6%5%P6%5%5%5%$6%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%$6%Zcam/Zagents/Agents/Ptp/Standard/PtpStandardVendor.cVendorEPControlListener ended ,\+S> aUsbAgentZcam/Zagents/Agents/VideoAudioClass/VideoClass/VideoClass.cVideo Class Usb Agent is not closing !!! VCDStreamingEventsVCDSetupCommandMutexVCDClockReferenceInfoMutexvideo class commands threadVCDClockReferenceQueuel'Zcam/Zagents/Commands/AppDps.cresult%XDPS: Exceeded max. number of images! croppingsqualitiespaperSizespaperTypesfileTypesdatePrintsfileNamePrintsimageOptimizeslayoutsfixedSizesdpsPrintServiceStatuserrorStatuserrorReasonjobEndReasondisconnectEnablecapabilityChangednewJobOK%%ȁ%ԁ%%%%%%d%%%ȇ%%%%(%@%X%%NOTE: DPS queue is full, a message will be discard!!! Zcam/Zagents/Services/DpsStandard.cDPS ManagerDPS InitiatorDPS ResponderTimeoutTimerDpsManagerDpsResponderTransaction\DREQUEST.DPS\DRSPONSE.DPSCollision 6 - State machine is corrupted unexpectedly!!! Collision 4 - State machine is corrupted unexpectedly!!! Collision 2 - State machine is corrupted unexpectedly!!! DpsConfigurePrinterDPS state machine is corruptted!!! Collision 3 - Device request is called again while previous request is in processing!!! Collision 1 - Device request is called again while previous request is in processing!!! Collision 5 - Device request is called again while previous request is in processing!!! \HREQUEST.DPS\HRSPONSE.DPSoutput configurePrintService result%XprintServiceAvailable 90000000 abortJob continueJob getDeviceStatusfilePath 10000000 10010000 DPS: Could not match path <%s> 10030000 dpsPrintServiceStatuserrorStatuserrorReasonjobEndReason 10020002 disconnectEnablecapabilityChangednewJobOK progress%d/%dinputgetFileIDgetFileListnotifyJobStatusnotifyDeviceStatusJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecPictBridge: Date type %d is unknown !!! startJob \MISC\AUTPRINT.MRKDPOF file not found! Dcf file not found! xml buffer full </> getCapability paperSize=""%d%d %d %d %d %d %d %d%d %dDpsInitDpsSendDataDpsManager%%p%,%̏%p%|%DpsPtpReceiveObjectDpsPtpNotifyScriptSentDpsTimeoutExpiredDpsEndDpsInitiatorTransactionDpsResponderTransaction,'0'4'8'<'@'D'H'L'P'T'X' ''AgentOnExit USB: A Connected AgentOnSetMsMedia - %d AgentRegisterMsMlunMedia - %d AgentOnUsbConnect USB: B Connected USB disconnection AgentOnCardDetect Zcam/Zagents/Server/Agent.cA:\UsbStrings.BINA:\UsbDevDesc.BINA:\UsbModeDesc.BINUnknown message %d %d AgentServerp%<%<%<%%%%%L%p%P%%d%d%d%$%%%$%d%@%|%Zcam/Zagents/Agents/Common/AgentsCapId.cUnknown type %x AgentsSetCaps failedAgentsSetCaps: ArrayAgentsGetCaps failed%%P%%%P%%t%P%d%T%D%4%P%$%%%%%%%%%%%t%P%P%P%P%0%%%%%%%%%%%t%d%T%D%4%$%%%%%%%%%%%t%d%T%D%4%Zcam/Zagents/Agents/MassStorage/Usb2_0/DeviceMassStorage.cInValidCBW : 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x BO Stall NOT cleared Illegal Mass Storage CBW! Mass Storage CBW read - failed Send CSW Error Transfer Error MassStorageFsMediaOpenDirect failure: status %dStart Bulk-Only Mass Storage agent bulk threadcntl threadTerminator Done MSMultiTermMass storage disconnect event VCDClockReferenceThreadVCDStartStreamingThreadStart uart agent UartAgentZcam/Zagents/Agents/MassStorage/Usb2_0/HostMassStorage.cOpened Host Mass-Storage bulk threadcustom cntlCustomUsbZcam/Zagents/Commands/AppVideoClass.cZcam/Zagents/Agents/Ptp/Standard/PtpStandardDataset.c1&1&1&2&(2&2&2& 3&83&d3&3&3&1&`5&5&5&6&,6&P6&x6&4&5&6&6&6&,7&\7&7&,5&H&@&h@&H&@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&|E&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&h@&,D&h@&@&C&h@&h@&h@&h@&B&h@& Posting HCE message 0x%x 0x%x OnSetTimer OnPlaybackClipCmd %d - %d Zcam/Zagents/Agents/Common/OnCmd.cOnSetMode - %X OnInitSensor OnDrawFile - %d, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d OnConfigThumbnail OnRecordPlayAudio OnConfigAeParams - %d %d %d OnSetPreviewExpLimit - %d %d OnSetCaptureExpLimit - %d %d %d %d OnSetAwbCtc - OK OnConfigStrobePin - %d %d %d OnConfigRER - %d %d %d %d %d OnOsdDrawFile - %d %d %s %d %d %d %d OnPipLayerCreate layer %d %d %d %d %d OnPipLayerDestroy layer %d OnPipLayerShow layer %d %d OnPipSetAttrib %d %d %d %d %d %d OnPipModeActivate %d %d OnSetDcfFreeChars - %s OnSetNextDcfKey - %d/%d OnGetDcfInfo - %d %d %d %d %d AppLoadStringFile - %s OnSetFileName - %s OnGetStorageMediaStatus OnGetStorageMediaGeometry OnFormatStorageMedia - %d OnGetFileAttributes - OK OnFileOperation FAIL - 0x%x OnGetFirstFileAttributes - OK OnMountStorageMedia - %d !!!Debug: Set psVersion->uwHwVersion = 0x92A0 OnConfigMemAccess - 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X FsMediaOpen failed ( 0x%x ) FsMediaWrite failed ( 0x%x ) FsMediaRead failed ( 0x%x ) OnSetMem - type 0x%X SetMem (Usb) time: %d uSec, bw: %d MB/s Monitor command: %s GetMem (Usb) time: %d uSec, bw: %d MB/s OnXmtThumbnail - %s byBuffer, OnXmtFile - %s byBuffer, OnRcvFile - %s, Status %d AppConfigCounter - %d, %d, %d, %d On Get Video OnEditImage - %d %d %d %d %d OnSetClock - %d %d %d %d %d %d ܶ&&&&̶&&&&&ܶ&&и&&ܶ&&ܶ&&h&&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&h&h&h&h&h&h&h&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'''DZcam/Zagents/Agents/Ptp/Standard/PtpStandardUtil.cI:T%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02dZcam/Zagents/Agents/Common/Dispatch.cUnknown API command ID=0x%x Zcam/Zagents/Agents/Ptp/Standard/PtpStandardHandlers.cInitializing PTP Handler table GetObjInfo : %s , type 0x%x 20070101T000000Get Imgattr res %d name % s Thumb size %d thumb height %d thumb width %d Modification date %s Capture date %s I:can't open file %s to check for thumbnail! Couldn't open file <%s>!!! Sending file <%s> [%dB] error! aborting file read Incomplete Transfer! File Read Error %d Seek error! Send ObjectInfo : Filename - %s \HDISCVRY.DPSFile Create Error %d Dir Create Error %d Didn't receive all the data - %d %d * PtpSendObjectHandler => read USB error ! File Write Error %d File Open Error %d %02X ATA DeviceCompact Flash -- 16bitIDE DeviceMass Storage DeviceInternal StorageSSFDC CardMemory StickSD CardCompact FlashPtpGetThumbHandler avi load %s failed PtpGetThumbHandler file open %s failed PtpGetThumbHandler file handle invalid %d PtpGetThumbHandler ApsExifSeek %s failed PtpGetThumbHandler file read %s failed PtpFormatStoreHandler : %x %x %x Format Failed !!! Format ok !!! Device is busy !!! Multi-drive Format ok !!! '`''''D'''''''''''D'''Zcam/Zagents/Agents/Ptp/Standard/PtpStandardDb.cPTP DB: Cannot change DB size anymore!!! PtpDBMutex<%s> is an association %04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d\\MISC\AUTPRINT.MRK\MISC\DDISCVRY.DPSDelete AncillaryData object %s Object delete error: <%s> %d PTP physically delete object %s Dcf remove error DCF remove directory error now looking at object [%d] <%s> check object [%d] <%s> object is an orphan checking if object [%d] matches... no. next! found parent! Adding [%d] <%s> to delete list. [%04x:%04x] %s|0x%08X %dB (%d) PTP object %d renamed : %s %s PTP file rename fail 0x%X PTP directory rename fail 0x%X \ANCI%04dAdding ancillary data %04x: <%s> No %X DCF root folder! Adding item %04x: <%s> PTP DB INIT (%d mSec). u'u'LD D' '' 'u'Status: 0x%02x CurrOpStatus: 0x%02x stalling. Stalls NOT cleared Stalls cleared Zcam/Zagents/Agents/Ptp/Standard/PtpStandardControl.cControl Request: Got PTP_CMD_CANCEL_REQUEST Got UNKNOWN Class request%X PtpEPControlListener ended return status %04x Class UsbDeviceWrite failed Class failed sSetup.uwLength %d RIGHT Request? Got PTP_CMD_GET_EXTENDED_EVENT_DATA bAbort = TRUE Class UsbDeviceRead failed - Cancel request Cancel finished writing '<)< L$4p$'' ,@!$) < <Ld%tI% !88<$ @!  ' ,,$B8 $) < <Ld%tI% !88<$ @!  ',!U$%  @<4% t1" @t1$)<@P$<$ @t1$ @!() <@ QD%  A $!  $!  )% % '!  !(`'%! $$!8 $<q$! t$!0!8 !@! @)<$' !8 &@)< <u% ! !(, '@4D!D8!H+8D!0%!11@D1O'H) l, `$$ "<|x'"%`~% $=$`$t$S$|r$'DC $'mP$ $''!0  ! $ $ `!0  ! @e$,8D!  'c $jA$ <<% `C $mP$<<%  $''!0  ! $ $ `!0  ! @e$8W! D@<840,($ H'' '<*<0$'('4%$$( @ $( <*$ $!@`$68`$%k% $/$_0$0/$.,.%C%(8&..%$o%k%@D*,)+-01.d\11(|i2 } s~/HLpPT%h%q\d3  }0!%(p1%@1 B}2 4G1X`hlp| ~ )3tx ~LT212@1yH /D J|PI  | |%i |` F|X%HChlt%@%Cxa % %`C%hP2%b R~ }9%U%t%p 4Y %(%x%%ȸ!$ 7%T 4 k5 !"#$%&'#ӫӻثػ ٫ٻ̫ ̻ʫ$ʻ׫׻' @Pp q`$ )9-%T < % @! `!S. $UX$X @! `!S <'P%@$!  !(*<e!D $ Y$ $'<$  b$ @!!@5@!<4 $$IePǐ&+0!0PÐs`$$E! @$E&1& &+0!0P !8 $$+`R%&!@ ,d$ ('<$!0 ! 4S$ `*<4& @!( )<*<>%&!@ ,d$ (''(<,uP$ (<(s$ ( $T|"% @X&*<<,%t$ >&<p$ B0*<(% $ $(''<*<'4$ @$'<@b$ @ ''*<$'<4$ @$YCP<!0! $$!0 <$h% @! <($ @ !0 <$h% @! <($ @ @$ @*<%$@!  @*<ج'@ < ' `! !0@' !( *<%'' $(!@<0% $*<$ @!( tplhx'`Q`$& &!<840,($ @'ȲE$ ! @* <*Q*& &q!& в&k!& <&e!*<& d&^!','0'('4'8') Vǎ,Ⱦ$$ Ō<+!0@x.C$ `!@* <̾j%S! VΎF <č!(`x.% &R&$#U @*<*<о&Ծo&!@& `! V&!9 VÎ"'[_,e.$9< ?v& &1& VĎ9<v$ $<'+<40,($ 8', @* <@#%!8$٬$ $$ʬ $$ˬ $$̬ $$ͬ$$ά$$Ϭ$$ج')<'!$'$  `<:~R$ @! 2!@! @!0<** <@j0E@ < l| '*<%!(@Q$ $b$ @DI @!(*<5@' <=5% DI @!(*<+@%<4$  @DI* <"@D% Set compression ratioei Edit Imagegetexp[mode 0-3]Get exposure/gainsetexpSet current exposurewbs Set WB scalerswbgGet WB scalerswbmSet AWB modeaemSet AE modeafwingetGet window AF valuesafwinsetSet window AF dimensionswbcalibstatSet statistics patternstatdebugPrint statistics on/offalgtimePrint algorithms time statisticsaecfg Set AE configuration %d.%dChanging CR to %d.%d (value = 0x%x) %d0Gain%s value for %s is: %d. CapturePreviewExposure213View and Capture exposure set to %d. %d%d%dWB scalers set successfully. FAILED to WB scalers. WB scalers: %d %d %d %iWB mode set to 0x%x. AE mode set to 0x%x. AF Window values: %d %d %d %d%d%d%d%s Pattern set to [%s] %d %hd %hd %hd %hdgstab gskill<>Exit GStabilizergsgopSet GStabilizer gop sizegssaP Set GStabilizer P frame search areagssaB Set GStabilizer B frame search areagsextSet GStabilizer file extensiongsrbSet max b framesgsvbr Set constant quality scalersgscbrSet constant bitrate valuegswinSet brc window sizegscnstSet const frame typegsrateSet conversion rategsbrcSet bitrate level controlgscodecSet codec (mpeg4/mpeg2/wmva/wmvm)gsvlcSet vlc table (ac/dc/mvd/cbp)gscqgsinsize%d %s %d %dIn Stabilizer Graph Monitor Zcam/Zmisc/Monitor/GStabilizer.cFailed to run GStabilizer graph GStabilizerSetFileName has FAILED 422GStabilizer capture failure Fmt: %sGop: %dCmp: %dBfr: %dBrc: %d Const typeOnOffStabilizer: %s %d %dGStabilizer P search area set to %d X %d GStabilizer B search area set to %d X %d %dGStabilizer gop set to %d GStabilizer max b frames set to %d Extension set to %s %d %d %dUnsupported scale value Constant quality: %2d %2d %2d Constant quant: %2d %2d %2d Constant bit rate %d Brc window size: %d %s onTurn on const type Turn off const type Conversion rate set to %d Stabilization %s stabNormalGStabilizer mode %s StabilizerGStabilizer brc level control: %d mpeg4mpeg2Codec id set to %d wmvawmvmh264%d %d %d %dcustom Print the input numbersMonitorCustom %d %d First var is %d and the second %d Zcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Custom.c[ERR]: %s(%d): Var1=%d , Var2=0x%08X [WRN]: %s(%d): Var1=%d , Var2=0x%08X [INF]: %s(%d): Var1=%d , Var2=0x%08X [DBG]: %s(%d)(0x%08X): Var1=%d , Var2=0x%08X pwridle01 leakage measurements pwridle02cgu sleep mode pwridle03cgu deep sleep mode pwridle04default idle mode pwridle05idle mode no dac pwridle06idle:cpu,mmu,ker,uart pwridle07idle:cpu,mmu,ker pwridle08sp:cpu wrk, ker pwridle09sp:cpu stk, ker pwridle10sp:cpu wrk, ker, mmu pwridle11sp:cpu stk, ker, mmu pwrviewview mode no dac pwrmpeg1mpeg4 rec: no aud, no Dvs pwrmpeg2mpeg4 rec: w/ aud, no Dvs pwrmpeg3pwrmpeg4pwrmjpeg1mjpeg rec: no aud, no Dvs pwrmjpeg2mjpeg rec: w/ aud, no Dvs pwrstillcapture and playback still pwrfdview with FD enabled pwrdistview with DIST enabled pwrplaymov play cur movie from sdpwrruntest run all testspwrkillallkills all unnecessary unitspwrcgusleepPuts the CGU to sleeppwrcguonCguUnitOnpwrcguoffCguUnitOffpwrcguoffallCguAllUnitsOffpwrtestTest PowerpwrsetexpSets exposurepwruseosd<1/0>Determins if OSD is usedpwruselpdDetermins if low pwr demosaic is usedpwruselpcDetermins if low pwr cylpf is usedMonitorPowerConfig_LeakageMonitorPowerConfig_CguSleepModeMonitorPowerConfig_CguDeepSleepModeMonitorPowerConfig_DefaultIdleModeMonitorPowerConfig_IdleModeNoDacMonitorPowerConfig_IdleCpuMmuKernelUartMonitorPowerConfig_IdleCpuMmuKernelMonitorPowerConfig_SpCpuWorkingKernelMonitorPowerConfig_SpCpuStuckKernelMonitorPowerConfig_SpCpuWorkingKernelMmuMonitorPowerConfig_SpCpuStuckKernelMmuMonitorPowerConfig_ViewNoDacMonitorPowerConfig_ViewFDMonitorPowerConfig_ViewDistMonitorPowerConfig_Mpeg4RecNoAudNoDvsMonitorPowerConfig_PlayMovieMonitorPowerConfig_Mpeg4RecAudNoDvsMonitorPowerConfig_Mpeg4RecAudDvsMonitorPowerConfig_Mpeg4RecNoAudDvsMonitorPowerConfig_MjpegRecNoAudNoDvsMonitorPowerConfig_MjpegRecAudNoDvsMonitorPowerConfig_CaptureAndPlayStillNULLRedefine POWER_COP_TEST_ENABLE macro to 1 in Zmisc/Monitor/Power.c Stack from scratchpad segment was not defined properly Entering ScratchPad mode... Original frequency is %d Hz PowerMeasureCpuThreadZcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Power.cCannot create PowerMeasureCpuThread thread%x%dONOFF0x00000001 CGU_UNITID_CPU %s 0x00000002 CGU_UNITID_MMU %s 0x0000000C CGU_UNITID_FCU %s 0x%08X %s %s VB is on! VB is off Kernel type: %d I43_FILTER_MODE_SCALE_TO_MIDDLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT I43_FILTER_MODE_SCALE_TO_DISPLAY I43_FILTER_MODE_USE_SCALE_RATIO Middle size: %d %s Make sure: 1)You are running with Sensor J at 30 FPS 2)Selected audio codec is ZAC 3)FarCall enabled for Zmisc (and Cop if in SP running thread on cop) 1%X %d40 0 0 %d %d50 0 0 %d %dLeakage: pwridle01Press reset button and hold it during the measuring. CguSleepMode: pwridle020CguDeepSleepMode: pwridle03DefaultIdleMode: pwridle04Default Idle Mode cfg done IdleModeNoDac: pwridle05IdleCpuMmuKernelUart: pwridle06IdleCpuMmuKernel: pwridle07100SpCpuWorkingKernel: pwridle08SpCpuStuckKernel: pwridle09SpCpuWorkingKernelMmu: pwridle10SpCpuStuckKernelMmu: pwridle11%d %d %dViewNoDac: pwrview40 640 48040 %d 240401f4 11e5 6Mpeg4RecNoAudNoDvs: pwrmpeg1b1 640 480b1Mpeg4RecNoAudDvs: pwrmpeg412 1Mpeg4RecAudNoDvs: pwrmpeg2b0 640 480b0Mpeg4RecAudDvs: pwrmpeg3MjpegRecNoAudNoDvs: pwrmjpeg1a1 640 480a1MjpegRecAudNoDvs: pwrmjpeg2a0 640 480a0%d %d %d %dPlayMovie: pwrplaymov902 0CaptureAndPlayMovie: pwrstill, wait for DONE message !5030DONE... View+FD1 0%sUsing file %s File not found !!! Error in reading %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %dRunning cmd %d: %s( %s ); Error in openeing %s CGU_UNITID_IPP CGU_UNITID_IPU CGU_UNITID_USB CGU_UNITID_AIF CGU_UNITID_UART CGU_UNITID_AOU CGU_UNITID_Z2C CGU_UNITID_SP CGU_UNITID_LMC CGU_UNITID_GPA CGU_UNITID_PWM CGU_UNITID_IPS CGU_UNITID_SENIF CGU_UNITID_LRME CGU_UNITID_OPU CGU_UNITID_DDE CGU_UNITID_TVE CGU_UNITID_MPEG4_MEP CGU_UNITID_MPEG4_MEU CGU_UNITID_MPEG4_CODECCGU_UNITID_KERNEL CGU_UNITID_GSIU CGU_UNITID_AIU CGU_UNITID_LDC          d)set_mediaChoose media typessmedformatFormat a mediamountMount a mediamountxmountdramCreate and Mount Dram mediaflushFlush the mediagmsGet media statusgomsGet Other media statusdelallDelete all DCF objectsdeleteDelete an objectlockLock an objectunlockUnlock an objectcopyCopy an objectmoveMove an objectcopyto Copy an object to another drivedcfdump[media]DCF dumpcfread [num of sectors]idereadatareadsdreadmsreadssfdcreadnandreadnandreadpnandnsreadnorareadnorireadcdChange directorycdcChange dir to first DCF folderdirList directory's contentsren Renames a file/directorymkdirCreate a directorydelDelete a file/directorycfflushFlushes contents into filemsflushmsflushpFlushes physical contents into filenandflushnandnsrflushburstmode1(On) or 0(Off)Switches read operations modemsextra Flushes extra bytes into filenandextrassfdcextracferaseErase CF sectorsnanderaseErase the whole Nand mediassfdceraseErase the whole SSFDC medianoreraseErase the whole Nor mediassfdcreadpRead physical sectorsssfdcwritep [num of sectors] [data value] [extra value]Write physical sectorsnandwritepssfdcresetReset SSFDCmsreadpnorreadpcfwrite [num of sectors] [data value]Write sectorsatawriteatadma[on/off]Enable/Disable uDma modenandimgfile nameBurn image file as-is to nandnandidNAND read IDnandrNAND read datanandwNAND write datanandrsNAND read spare datanandwsNAND write spare data%s cfSet jumpers properly to work with %s... MONcf16sdmsssfdcxdnandnandnsrnoranoriideataUnknown media type %dsetp 11e %dformat 5setp 102 5ResidentExternal%s media mount fail. FAILED\\%s media formatted successfully (%d mSec). %s media format fail. %s media flushed successfully (%d mSec). %s media flush fail. Media status: Gms failed - 0x%x. Objects found: %d Objects left: %d Free space: %lld bytes %x Other Media status %d: Goms failed - 0x%x. Free space: %d bytes %s successful (%d mSec). %s fail - 0x%x. Not supported! Object lockObject unlockObject deleteObject copyObject moveZcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Fs.cObject inter-drive copyDelete all successful (%d mSec). Delete all fail - 0x%x. No media is currently mounted. Dumping DCF database for media #%d..... DCF database is not built for media #%d. %i %iFLASHFsMediaRead failed ( 0x%x ) FAILURE !!! FsMediaOpen failed ( 0x%x ) %i %i %i%i %i %s Failed to open media for direct access. FsMediaRead failed %x Ready to write the file. Set jumpers and press any key... %cFailed to open media Failed to create file FsMediaClose failed %x %i %i %i %s FcuOperation failed %x Unknown media Erasing blocks 0x%x - 0x%x...Block 0x%X ( %d ) is BAD Done Reading ID failed ( %d ) Failed to open direct (%d) AMD* Nor type %s size %d MB %d sectors INTEL%s Can't change to %s No media is mounted yet. %-20s %-5s %+20s (+)(-) %d File(s) %+10u bytes %d Dir(s) %+10u free bytes %+10u * 2^32 + %u free bytes %+10u * 2^32 + %u bytes %s %s %s successfully renamed to %s. Unable to rename %s. %s successfully created. Unable to create %s. Failed to delete %s. %s deleted (%d mSec). ONSetting burst mode %s OFF%i %s !!! Error in block %d Reading 0x%X ( 0x%X ) [%x] %2.2X Failed! 0x%X ( %d ) %i %i %i %iWriting 0x%X ( 0x%X ) Data=0x%X, Extra=0x%X Done! Writing 0x%X ( 0x%X ) Data=0x%X Reset failed ( %d ) Reset succeeded Error in Init driver 0x%x * Nor type %s size %d MB onbAtaUseUltraDma turned %s Filed to open "%s" Read %d bytes from %s ----Nancy: Operation fail---- ----Nancy: Nand ID: 0x%X %d %d Read data start %u sector num %u %s Read Success: Read fail %d %d %d Write data start %u sector num %u data %02X Write Success: Write fail Read redundant area from %u sector %02X Write redundant area to %u sector data %02X z)tz)t) u)u)z)aplayAudioPlayastopAudioStopZcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Player.cAppDcfGetFilePath %d Audio Playing %s AudioPlayerAudioPlayerRun AudioPlayerSetFileName has FAILED Waiting Done waiting sswI43_SetSensorWindowmode left top width heightsetpixelSensorSetTestPixelon R Gr B GbsisI43_SetImageSizmode width heightmotor_shutter open/close0 - open; 1 - closemotor_iris big/small0 - big; 1 - smallsony_irismove iris motor (o - open, c - close)fhMove focus to home positionfmoveMove focusfsSearch for correct focus positionfmEnter manual foucuszhomeMove zoom to home positionzmoveMove zoomzmanualEnter manual zoomemanualEnter manual exposurelens_open1 - open, 0 - closestrobeSet strobe modesp send TG(0)/AGC(1) sp dataspsharpsend TG(0) sp datagetsharptgGet TG sp datasdadsharpSearch adclk sharp phasesddksharpSearch dclk sharp phaseagcspsdspsdspfinezmfocus_tempsonyspj_testget edge infofaf_modeset faf modegpiosetsonyphaseszSet Ds1 phase - 0x%02x%02x Set Ds2 phase - 0x%02x%02x %cDs1 - %d Ds2 - %d %x %x %x %x %x %x Tg sent - %x %x %x %x %x %x %d%iPort %d doesn't exist!! Sending AGC burst - 0x%4x Sending TG burst - 0x%4x %i%dThis board can not control iris with this fuction Iris pos = %d F-pos = %d wHomePos: %d PI LOW! *** FOCUS HP reached by moving backward %d !!! bFocusPosKnown == TRUE PI High! *** FOCUS HP reached by moving forward %d !!! Zcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Sensor.c-30Now searching!pulEdgeX[%d] - %d; pulEdgeY[%d] - %d MaxX - %d in Pos - %d ; MaxY - %d in Pos - %d FocusSearchFocusPos %d :EdgeX - %d; EdgeY - %d John : bZoomPosKnown %d, ulSteps %d John : iZoomPos %d, iZoomTar %d Z startZ doneZ waitZoom aborted - no movement ZoomMotor Z-pos = %d Zoom EventsZoom Sem%d%dExposure set to %d (%d) closing lens -3290016%d%d%dOpenLensZoom CW Zoom CCW EdgeX - %d; EdgeY - %d Focus HP : %d %i%i%iSending TG burst - 0x%4x 0x%4x 0x%4x H1H2H3H4RGSP(DS1)SD(DS2)ADCLKEXPGAINACTIVE SIGNAL: %s Change TAP from %d %d to %d %d Current Phases: %8s %8d 0x%02x, Change Gain from %d to %d Change Exposure from %d to startZ %dstop%x%x%x%x%x%x%d%d%d%d%x%d%d8(8(8(8(8(8(8(8(8(8(8(8(L9(<;(:(9(:(:(:(9(:(:(:(9())Ă)Ȃ)̂)Ђ)؂))))~)~)~)))؀))~)H)L)T)%x %c %s %c %s .LC %2d. %s *** More *** %d Please resolve ambiguity (0=exit): %d A:\Main.sort.txtZcam/Zmisc/Monitor/SymbolUtils.cError opening A:\Main.sort.txtError reading A:\Main.sort.txthelpPrints function helpls[prefix]Prints all avaliable functions helpquitQuits the monitorpromptSet new promptrepeat [delay] Repeate a cmd command num times with a delay between (ms)%s %s -- %s "%s" is not recognized as an internal command. Use "ls" to list commands. Usage: %s %s rep+=,UART Monitor will be closedFailed to get command string (%d) %sMonitorExecCmd%s> %s is not recognized as an internal command %dMONMonitor  )  rg [dec/bin/hex]Read 16bit GPP RAM addressfc [param]+Call a functionsumI43_SetUsbModehqdHost queue dumpcasioSwitch to Casio LCDdlcdSwitch to DLCDntscSwitch to TV NtscpalSwitch to TV PalhdSwitch to HDhdfSwitch HD formatviewcView on LCDsetp Set parametergetpGet parametermodeSet functional modemodeconf Select mode configurationcc I43_ConfigCapturecm I43_ConfigMoviecpI43_ConfigPreviewttcop[fullinfo]Dump thread tabletcresetcopReset thread counterstxtcopDump threadX tabletmrtcopDump timer tableqtcopDump queue tableqicopDump queue infoetcopDump events tablesmtcopDump mutex and semaphore tabletttcresettxttmrtqtqietsmtisrtDump ISRs tableplayerdumpDump player infogetsrDump status registers Sr1 & Sr2cgutDump CGU tablesmdbdump[ ]Dump SMDB databasemips[MillOps]Get available MIPSmipscopcpu[0/1=short/full]Print CPU load statisticsverGet version numberprof<0/1 StartAdd EndAdd>Profiling toolcmdcrCommand file createcmdexCommand file executedelayDelay in ms (in a command file)sciI43_SetCurrentImagegciI43_GetCurrentImagegciiI43_GetCurrentDirImagewavPlay Wav filemp3Play MP3 filepccI43_PlaybackClipCommandmpeg4Switch to MPEG4 videowmvSwitch to WMV videomp4Switch to MPEG4 video with AAC audioh264Switch to H264 videovisbus Set Visbus ModetapeTapeRecorderwmvmSwitch to WMV main profilelePrint the last error numberphotoframeAdd photo-frame to captured imagescccI43_CaptureClipCommandrrs
Read Register Shadowwrs
Write Register Shadowc2ccalibC2C calibrationimagesizeSet image sizetiming[start/stop] start : -max -gcapture -gsp -gall -gstat -g0x... -nogtemp stop : -log -logname -nodump -script -scriptname -us rfstestTest read FilewfstestTest write FilegStart PWR consumption printscgucfgenConfigure and Enable ClockcgudisDisable ClockroscGet CGU ring oscillator counterstlbrsgopSet gop size of recorded clipsrsmaxbSet max b frames of recorded clipsmtmstartInitialize timing mark of movie groupmtmstopDumps timing mark of movie grouppwrtime Time power state for ,dump results to addmulticonfigAdd configuration for Usb multi modefdprepare<0/1> - 0 - for 4:3 ratio, 1 - for 3:2 ratioPrepare preview for face detectionfd<0/1/2> - off/on/testmodeEnable/Disable/TestMode face detectionfdtmstartInitialize timing mark of FDTA groupfdtmstopDumps timing mark of FDTA groupfdd%d%x %dI43_SetParamLong(0x%x, %d) %x0x%X = 0x%X %Xcurrent mode is 0x%02X cedweddcewf%s %sSelected for mode type %s configuration "%s". NOPSelectModeConfig Done. Error! VIEWVIEW_USBSTILL_CAPSTILL_PLAYMOVIE_CAPMOVIE_PLAYPOST_PROCUnknown mode type: %s %s %s %s3040%d %dulConfig(0x%x), ulOperand(0x%x) Thread Name Pri Status Run Stack Stack Start -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %-16s%-8d%4d/%4d 0x%8.8X %-20.20s %-4d Queue Information: %s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Suspended Threads: (%d Thread%c) %s Queue is empty. Queue number was not specified No queues at all Enqueued Elements: (%d out of %d Elements) [%2d] 0x%8.8x Could not find a queue with id %d Holding block to index %d: psBlock: %d %d %d %d %d %d 0x%X Zcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Basic.cTo 0x%x Releasing block index %d: Dumping block: To %s No media handle Try open %s Failed to open 0x%x, %s Reading into block: From %s offset %d c 0x%x %d%s No parameters were specified 0xWrong number of arguments. %X Function matching '%s' was not found. 0bPossible return value: %d %iSR1: %04X SR2: %04X Number of MIPS is %d.%02d MIPS test will run on %d million operations... MipsTest CPU load checker started. Type 'cpu' again to get CPU statistics. Please define PROFILER in order to profile B:\Command file name was not specified. Command file %s could not be created. Command file %s could not be opened. Type 'exit', 'quit' or 'save' to save the command file. Type 'stop' or 'break' to drop the creation of the command file. Type in your commands below: > exitquitsavestopbreak Command file %s was created successfully. Type 'cmdex %s' to run the command file. File not found !!! Command file %s was opened successfully. Error in reading %s > %s Command file %s execution completed. %s %c %dThis VISBUS mode is currently unsupported... 0x%08X <- 0x%08X (%d) AUDIO VISBUS CPU VISBUS MMU VISBUS USB VISBUS FCU VISBUS %s %dwmamp2AppDcfCreateFile Failed TapeWaiting Done waiting DcfMakePath! rawUnsupported type LastError %d %d %s %dRighty then! Setting profile to %d OK, Initializing 0x%x - %d %x %x -delay-profile-vsyncRAW READY[MAIN-CMP] - Start[CMP_INT] - Start[CMP_INT] - EndEOIERROR: the initial delay is too small!!! [MAIN-CMP] - End******************************************** I43_SetParam( PRMID_C2C_SENSOR_DELAY_1, %d); I43_SetParam( PRMID_C2C_SENSOR_DELAY_2, %d); %X %d %dimage size %X %d %d ---VIS---\Timing.log\Timing.srpstart-max-gcapture-gsp-gall-gstatEnd timing analysis... -log-logname-nodump-script-g0x-nogtempBegin timing analysis... Timing recording already in process... Timing recording is not active... -scriptnameStatistics group -usMonitorReadFs Alloc : Error I:\rfstest.binMonitorReadFs : Done MonitorReadFs Open : Error rfstest.bin MonitorReadFs : check if rfstest.bin exist. MASK: 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X I:\wfstest1.binMonitorWriteFs Write : Error MonitorWriteFs : Done MonitorWriteFs Alloc : Error MonitorWriteFs File Open : Error %x %d %dNot a valid clock id: 0x%X Forcing frequency to 162MHz Achieved frequency in Hz: %d FCU clock mode %d frequence %d FCU divider was set to %d %d RO %u counter = %u MonitorRecorderSetGop %d MonitorRecorderSetMaxBFrames %d [PP] - Start[PP] - Stop[VC] - Start[VC] - Stop[VCLD] - Start[VCLD] - Stop[VD] - Stop[VD] - Start[VDLD] - Start[VDLD] - StopStarting PWRC timing measurements... Configured to XLGPIO %d! PWRC endstop -nodump -logname pwrc%03d.logFinished PWRC timing measurements!!! start -max 10000 -g0x00000010 -nogtempPWRC startCurrent Image Indices %d %d Time: %d counts %.3f ms Current Image Index %d Error: can not add UsbMode %d Config value = %d. Usage: fdprepare Select face detection slot machine FaceDetectionSet IPP horizontal scaling to %d Initialize color LUT for rectangles Set image size to 672x448 Set image size to 640x480 Unsupported mode Disable Face Detection Enable Face Detection, test mode DisabledEnabledColor filter %s Enable Face Detection [MAIN_IMAGE] - End[MAIN_IMAGE] - Start[FD_SCALE] - End[FD_SCALE] - Start[FD_SCALE0] - End[FD_SCALE0] - Start[FD_SCALE1] - End[FD_SCALE1] - Start[FD_SCALE2] - Start[FD_SCALE2] - End[FD_SCALE3] - End[FD_SCALE3] - Start[FD] - End[FD] - Start[FD_PP] - End[FD_PP] - Start[DC] - End[DC] - Start[DIST] - GetMotion Start[DIST] - GetMotion End[DIST] - DC4 End[DIST] - DC4 StartCreating \\FdTiming.log \FdTiming.logCreating \\FdTiming.srp \FdTiming.srpDone %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\FaceDetectionDelay.logDetection Delay Start Time 1: %d us Detection Delay Start Time 2: %d us Detection Delay Start Time 3: %d us Detection Delay End Time: %d us Detection Delay 1: %d us This is the delay from exitting test pixel mode to first appearance of faces Detection Delay 2: %d us This is the delay from first "not test pixel" image after IPP processing Detection Delay 3: %d us This is the delay from first "not test pixel" image after IPU main image processing \FaceDetectionDelay.srp$(P(8(((ܞ(((P($(l(H(((((())) )X)|))`)))О))H)A^@rl [dec/bin/hex]Read 32 bit addresswl Write 32 bit addressmf Fill memory with a valuerv [dec/bin/hex] [width=1/2/4] [index]Read a variable value or array indexwv [width=1/2/4] [index]Write a variable value or array indexdumpDump memory to screendumpxDump DRAM to screen. Hex Inputdumpf Dump memory to filedramsizePrint dram sizemi[pool]Get Max Alloc Sizemt[fullinfo] [pool]Dump Alloc tablemxtDump pool structureldstartStart leak detectionldstopDump leakshmpp-buf [-allow ] [-cb ] [-type ] -invert (prefix 0x for hex address/size)Hardware memory protection (physical address)hmpvHardware memory protection (only virtual address accesses)hmpoffTurn off hardware memory protection%X %s 0x0b%X0x%X = 0x%X dec0x%X = %d bin0x%X = 0b %c %x %d %d%s %d %dWrong number of arguments. %s %s %d %dVariable matching '%s' was not found!!! %02X 0x%08X: %x %x%c %i %i%dZcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Memory.cManaged to allocate - %d bytes Global Counter = %d Small Global Counter = %d %d %d%d%d%s Creating %s from 0x%x for %d bytes Dram Size: Cannot get dram attributes %3d (0x%3.3X) MByte %3d (0x%3.3X) Mbit Resetting leak detection %x-buf-allowerror: -buf switch can only appear once error: missing mandatory switch -buf -cberror: -allow switch can only appear three times -type-inverterror: switch missing parameters error: invalid protection mode! Setting hardware memory protection for physical addresses in range 0x%08x - 0x%08x. Allowed clients: (%d, %d, %d) Setting hardware memory protection for virtual addresses in range 0x%08x - 0x%08x. Allowed clients: (%d, %d, %d) Disabling hardware memory protection ))Ȱ) sdioi<0-1BIT 1-4BIT>SDIO card init 1BIT/4BITsdioriSDIO card read infosdiorcSDIO card read common CISsdiosbSDIO card switch bus widthsdiowrSDIO card write registersdiorrSDIO card read registersdiowmSDIO write multi bytessdiormSDIO read multi bytessdiowmbSDIO write multi blockssdiormbSDIO read multi blockssdiosetSDIO read set block sizesdiogetSDIO read get block sizesdiowSDIO wait interrupt0x%08X:: %02X Error!! %d No memory exit Memroy exit Function number is %d Enable Function Enable Interrupt Ready Function :: 2 Ready Function :: 3 Ready Function :: 4 Ready Function :: 7 Bus width:: SD 4BIT Bus width:: SD 1BIT Card Supports Read Wait Card Supports Suspend/Resume Card Supports interrupt between blocks of data in 4-bit SD mode Enable interrupt between blocks of data in 4-bit SD mode Card Supports Direct Commands during data transfer Card Supports Multi-Block Card is a Low-Speed card Ready Function :: 1 Ready Function :: 5 Ready Function :: 6 4-bit support for Low-Speed cards Zcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Sdio.cChange SDIO card bus width to 1BIT Change SDIO card bus width to 4BIT error!! fail!! %d %x %dWrite Register>> Function::%d Address::0x%x Value::0x%x %d %xRead Register>> %d %x %d %dFunction::%d Address::0x%x Size::%d Value::%d Success to write multi bytes Function::%d Address::0x%x Size::%d %d %x %d %d %dFunction::%d Address::0x%x Blocksize::%d Count::%d Value::%d fail to set block size Success to write multi blocks Function::%d Addr::0x%x Blocksize::%d Count::%d %d %d< Set Block Size > Function::%d Blocksize::%d %d< Get Block Size > >> Interrupt from function :: 2 >> Interrupt from function :: 3 >> Interrupt from function :: 4 >> Interrupt from function :: 5 >> Interrupt from function :: 6 >> Interrupt from function :: 7 interrupt 0x%X >> Interrupt from function :: 1 @(T(h(|((((((p)|))ttrans tkill<>Exit transcodertgopSet transcoder gop sizetsaP Set transcoder P frame search areatsaB Set transcoder B frame search areatextSet transcoder file extensiontrbSet max b framestvbr Set constant quality scalerstcbrSet constant bitrate valuetwinSet brc window sizetcnstSet const frame typetrateSet conversion ratetsbEnable/Disable stabilizertmodeSet transcoder modetbrcSet bitrate level controlatranstscodecSet codec (mpeg4/mpeg2/wmva/wmvm)tsvlcSet vlc table (ac/dc/mvd/cbp)tcqtinsize%d %s %d %dZcam/Zmisc/Monitor/Transcoder.cFailed to run transcoder graph TranscoderSetFileName has FAILED 422Transcoder capture failure Fmt: %sGop: %dCmp: %dBfr: %dBrc: %d Const typeOnOffStabilizer: %s %d %dTranscoder P search area set to %d X %d Transcoder B search area set to %d X %d %dTranscoder gop set to %d Transcoder max b frames set to %d Extension set to %s %d %d %dUnsupported scale value Constant quality: %2d %2d %2d Constant quant: %2d %2d %2d Constant bit rate %d Brc window size: %d %s onTurn on const type Turn off const type Conversion rate set to %d Stabilization %s stabNormalTranscoder mode %s StabilizerTranscoder brc level control: %d %d %s %s %d %dwmawavaacAppDcfCreateFile %s mp2Unknown output format %s DcfMakePath %s AppDcfGetFilePath %d Audio Transcoding %s ==> %s AudioTranscoderFailed setting compressor codec Failed setting writer bit rate control Failed setting compressor bit rate Failed to run audio transcoder graph AudioTranscoderSetFileName has FAILED Waiting AudioTranscoder capture failure Unknown input format %s Done waiting mpeg4mpeg2Codec id set to %d wmvawmvmh264%d %d %d %dcache[penalty|miss|gallow]Cache debugcachecop[penalty|miss|gallow|lock|unlock]Cache debug on COPrunlocked[ ]Run function locked in cache (Code+stack)[No Cache found!] %d ways X %d sets X %d bytes per line = %d bytes penaltymissgallowlockCurrent GmmuAllow = %d cache penalty %d %d %d... Zcam/Zmisc/Monitor/MonitorCache.c%d iterations of reading %d cache lines (%d Bytes). Cache miss on every line, prefetch = %d lines: Total time = %d [gclk] = %d [usec] Average: Miss Latency = %d [gclk] BW = %d [MBps] unlocklockdumpInvalid cache size info! Changed GmmuAllow = %d --> %d cache lock %d 0x%08X 0x%08X cache miss %d %d... CPU DcacheCPU IcacheCOP DcacheCOP IcacheCache miss rate stats (%d msec): %s (%d instructions): %d%% (%d/%d) PF: %d%% (%d/%d) ICache Info: DCache Info: penalty | Usage: cache [ miss